Ms. Kathy Gadacz-Gould

Ms. Kathy

I grew up in Grande Prairie(AB), Eaglesham(AB), and Montague(PEI). I have two children, Alijah and Jesse. Alijah studied physics, mathematics, history, and cybersecurity.  Jesse is a paramedic. My husband, Rene, is an anthropologist and has taught and published in interdisciplinary studies such as anthropology, criminology, sociology,  archeology, law, and business. Rene is currently writing ancillaries for textbooks, editing astronomy journals, and learning to fly an airplane. We enjoy travel, reading, and riding our electric scooters!


I have taken post-secondary courses in education, accounting, library science, history, fine arts, sociology, psychology, mathematics, geology, management, and physical education. I love learning new things and helping others. I am a very quiet person but you can always come visit me anytime in the office, I am here to help you!


The students and staff at our school bring me joy every day. I feel as though my life is rich with meaningful experiences as we learn and grow together!