Hail Mary Web-quest

In heaven God said, “One day I will send my Son to help all people and show them how to live. And I choose Mary to be the mother of Jesus, my Son.” Mary was a very special woman. During May, we celebrate Mary. The May crowning is when we place a ring of flowers on the head of a statue of Mary. We then celebrate Mary by singing some hymns and placing flowers at her feet.
Click on the virgin-mary-2 to learn all about Mary, God’s mother, and about the May Crowning. When you have finished, you will print and complete a worksheet and draw a picture of the crowning of Mary.
virgin-mary-2 Watch The Hail Mary video below:
virgin-mary-2 Have you ever seen a May Crowning of Mary ceremony? Watch a Virtual May Crowning of Mary. Talk to your partner about what you saw.

1. Print this worksheet and complete the prayer with a partner.


2. Think of 3 things that you learned about the May crowning.

3. Draw a picture of Mary being crowned and include a short Prayer to Mary.